Intuitive Eating
Intuitive Eating As most of you know, I did my first bodybuilding show this year and I am currently still in the reverse dieting phase and post-show blues. I told my coach that I loved every phase and aspect leading up to the show, being on stage, and I honestly enjoyed the process of it […]
Setting Goals! It is simple to state a goal but actually achieving it isn’t always that easy. For instance, I have been wanting to compete in bodybuilding for several years now but something always gets in the way and I haven’t succeeded at that goal, yet! Now that Spring is here and the nicer weather […]
Over-Training: How long do you spend in the gym?
How much is too much? Overtraining is easily unseen because we get so focused on a goal or finishing point we do anything to get there faster. There are several ways that you can cause over-training which results in negative effects. For example, the duration you spend in the gym and how many sets you […]